Peko Peko Workbook


Peko Peko books – printed and online

Peko Peko is a lively student-centred course for beginners of Japanese. Peko Peko will encourage a love of the language, foster an interest in Japanese culture, and a desire to keep learning.

Student workbook

The workbook has students consolidate and build on the material introduced in the textbook through reading, writing, listening and extension activities. A hiragana chapter is also provided to give plenty of scope for total beginners, and lots of practice for those learners who have already studied hiragana.

Peko Peko is a new course for Years 7 and 8 Japanese, fully aligned to V9.0 of the Australian Curriculum.
Peko Peko brings Japanese language and culture to life, through a fully integrated ecosystem of two textbooks, two workbooks and an interactive e-platform.

Peko Peko and Peko Peko 2 have been designed for flexible implementation, with each book having more than enough content for a full year program.
This innovative approach to delivering a beginners’ Japanese program includes everything teachers and students need to foster a love of Japanese language, ranging from fun, up-to-date cultural content through to differentiated reading and assessment tasks and self- paced, self-marking online activities for students.

Peko Peko will leave teachers and students feeling まんぞく and is designed to be ちょうどいい for your students and your Japanese program.

Student workbook

The workbook has students consolidate and build on the material introduced in the textbook through reading, writing, listening and extension activities. A hiragana chapter is also provided to give plenty of scope for total beginners, and lots of practice for those learners who have already studied hiragana.

Our approach to hiragana

There is romaji support provided until the end of Chapter 3 in Peko Peko book 1. After this, there is romaji provided on the grammar explanations and vocabulary lists in each chapter. This is to support and include students who for whatever reason have not yet mastered their hiragana.
There is no gradual introduction to the hiragana, where only certain characters are used at the start of the book. Instead, teachers can decide on their own approach to teaching hiragana, with romaji support provided early on to ease students into their Japanese learning. The workbook does, however, provide a hiragana chapter so students can practise writing their hiragana.
The differentiated reading activities on the e-platform will include both kana and romaji versions, to save teachers time and to support students at whatever level they are at.