$369.00 – $699.00
Teacher’s Resource
The blended teacher resource kit includes games, extension materials, assessment tasks, curriculum grids, student self-reflection sheets, rubrics and much more.
Hard copy
9 games using the precise language taught in each chapter
4 card games
4 board games
1 block of bingo cards
A set of X-Zone extension sheets
A schematic overview of the contents of the course
One text book with 2 year student access to the e-platform
One full workbook
2 year full teacher access to the e-platform
Assessments Tasks
Ideas on how to use the course
Audio and karaoke of the songs
Audio of the Filastrocche
Audio of the Ascoltiamo
Scripts of the Ascoltiamo
All the Benvenuti in Italia videos
All the semi-animated cartoons as full stories
All the semi-animated cartoons as a paused version for repetition
Fumetti in gioco – line illustrations of the cartoon stories
Listening Assessments – audio
Listening Assessments – scripts
Workbook solutions
Assessment solutions
Student self-reflection sheets
3 sets of giochiamo cards (for view only)
The Australian Curriculum grid
The Victorian Curriculum grid
Centre of Italian Studies
245 Cardigan St, Carlton, 3053, VIC, Australia
(03) 9347 9144
[email protected]